Sunday Adult Forums

–– April 21

Fruits of Repentance

Join the Rev. Joseph Thompson, Ph.D. for a discussion of the guiding principles in the design of the Virginia Theological Seminary Reparations Program. 

THE REV. DR. JOSEPH DOWNING THOMPSON, JR. serves Virginia Theological Seminary as Associate Dean of Multicultural Ministries and as a member of the faculty in the area of Practical Theology. His courses and administrative work help to ensure that seminarians engage with issues of race, justice, and intercultural awareness as part of their theological education. His teaching and research interests include the theological and spiritual dimensions of racial ideology in the USA, as well as the moral and ethical implications of the reparations movement. He holds a Ph.D. in African American Studies and English from Yale University.

–– April 7

Loneliness in Children and Teens: How Parents Can Help

How can we measure a child/teen's risk of loneliness?  What kinds of research-based strategies are available that may increase a child/teen's sense of feeling socially connected? 

Join Maureen Harris, researcher at Georgetown University's Digital Health and Happiness Lab to learn how to help your children thrive at a time when loneliness has risen to historic levels.

–– March 10

How The New York Times Covers Climate Change

The newsroom has an entire team dedicated to covering the science, policy and effects of the rapidly warming globe. Hannah Fairfield Wallander, the Climate Editor at The New York Times, will take you inside recent climate coverage, including an award-winning series on the nation's depleted groundwater.

––February 25

Eldercare Options: Navigating the Maze

Understanding the various elder care options available for your loved one can be daunting.  This forum led by parishioner Joanne Marshall will review what she learned when she traveled this journey with her parents. 

Topics covered will include:

  • descriptions of different types of care communities vs in home care,

  • the pros and cons and lessons learned during her experience. 

  • challenges handling financial matters in a digital world.

Photo: Joanne Marshall’s parents.

Spring Adult Forums